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Changing permissions is a chore!

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Changing permissions is a chore!

Cory K

Please implement a solution that allows us more flexibility to change user permissions!
Remove the requirement to boot users out of Lacerte to change primary options.
Option to apply permissions to ALL tax types at the same time for a given user.
Option to apply default permissions to users
Option to Add users (there’s no way to add users unless they open every module)
Button to reimport permissions from last year as they have never proforma'd correctly for our firm.
Currently we must kick everyone out of Lacerte, Login/Out for every module’s change, and click hundreds of check boxes to set permissions! 
If you have a firm with 20 users, 9 tax types and 19 permissions… That equals 3,420 checkboxes for 1 software program!! That’s insane.

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