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California May 15 Extended Payment Date Disaster

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California May 15 Extended Payment Date Disaster


I understand that electronic payments processed through Lacerte will all be transmitted on the regular original due dates without regard to the extended due date allowed for California filers. This means we cannot use Lacerte to process any electronic payments, a complete disaster for us, requiring hundreds of extra hours of staff time to manually enter individual electronic payments on the IRS and FTB websites. Of course, time which cannot be billed to our clients and can be so easily solved by programming a checkbox in Lacerte.

Lacerte programmers, please save us from this!

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Level 2

There is another thread where this subject is being discussed in detail.  Please continue to voice your complaints to Lacerte so they get off their butts and resolve the problem.

Level 1

F'in joke!   Fix Calif due date !!!!!

Level 2

There are so many disasters that are creating so many different deadlines.  We should have the ability to select from a drop done the disaster and have that change dates appropriately. OR we should be able to easily edit the communications that go to our clients with this information.  

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