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CA health insurance critical diagnostic - PLEASE REMOVE!

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CA health insurance critical diagnostic - PLEASE REMOVE!


To who it may concern,

It is NONE of your concern if CA residents have health insurance. Further more, this critical diagnostic appears EVERY time even with W-2/Soc Sec/etc.. It even appears AFTER entering information for any 1095. Seriously? WHY?

NOBODY asked for this. Can you at least attempt to implement ACTUAL customer feedback instead of arbitrary, useless, and time consuming ideas that everyone hates?

Please remove this with haste.


This has been my TED talk, thank you.



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California has a health insurance mandate.  https://www.ftb.ca.gov/about-ftb/newsroom/health-care-mandate/personal.html

Lacerte absolutely needs to be asking about this.

The diagnostic is easily cleared if the whole household in insured all year. Screen 39.3 code 210.

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