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alt min depr 1065s not working properly

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alt min depr 1065s not working properly


Case:15101418293 EFile [ ref:_00Di0Xs0j._5003j2BtOc7:refd g


I transferred fixed assets along with all other data for a partnership client.

Alternative min tax depreciation did not carryover properly.  all assets purchased

1/1/18 forward are depreciated for this client at 200%DB, alt min tax is 150%db by law, no exceptions

The prior yr holdings transferred in showing alt min method was 200% - it changed my data!!  Why?

For new assets entered - 200% depreciation taken for 5 yr assets purchased according to reg tax method I chose.  The alt min depr schedule for the new assets also are reported as 200% for the alt min method, no where on the screen is there a place to enter alt min depr method.  It should be automatic if you don't have to manually input it.  I was on the phone for hours with absolutely no resolution & don't feel confident there was an understanding of the basis rule for this 

This is old law - not new.  Someone who understands alt min needs to look at this

Status: New
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