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1-click option for PDF copy of payment vouchers and invoice

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1-click option for PDF copy of payment vouchers and invoice


As a CPA using Lacerte for many years, we have transitioned more and more to providing PDF copies of the tax return, E-File signature forms, payment vouchers, and invoice to our clients.  These files are usually sent via secured e-mail.

However, while you can print a copy of the tax return and E-File signature forms with 1-click, you have to dig through the "Forms" tab to isolate and print payment vouchers and invoices to PDF.

I propose that a 1-click option be included in the tab header at the top of the screen, so that you have the option of printing payment vouchers and/or invoices with a single click, rather than the time-consuming task of searching for each one through the "Forms" tab.

This solution would provide a significant time-savings during tax season.

Status: New
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