The sale of my S corp business property is showing up as a passive loss on my K1 pass through. It should be active income and show up in schedule 1, line 9 on the 2020 1040 return.
What I am seeing is that I somehow have the S Corp set up as a passive activity since the income from the S Corp is showing up on the form 8582 worksheet. Any idea how I can change the S Corp to active income status?
Are you asking about (1) the input for 1120S, related to the reporting of the loss or (2) the input for 1040, related to the reporting of the K-1 items on the shareholder's return?
For (2), @sjrcpa has answered. Line (9) Net section 1231 gain / loss has two lines. You make the call.
For (1), what kind of activity was the sale for? For example, if it was for a Form 8825 activity, check the non-passive box in the General Info on the 8825 input screen 21.
Note: The K-1 for 1120S has only one line 9. For rental activities, the passive vs non-passive is reflected on the statement.
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