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lacerte keeps locking up

Level 7

Is everyone working. Lacerte keeps locking up. I assume it has something to do with the latest update.

Is this their way to get us to move to the cloud?  hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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11 Comments 11
Level 1

Same here, It freezes a lot of the time and I am needing to reschedule clients

0 Cheers
Level 3

Called Lacerte this afternoon.  They tried telling me it was just if efiling or getting REP access.  I insisted that it was not.  Informed her that the program is basically unusable.  Another user suggested disconnecting from the internet to use it.  This is a joke.  We pay way too much money for this software to lose a whole day for software issues.

0 Cheers
Level 7

Still down looks like it is going to be a long night. Clients booked starting at 8am 

Tried doing a reinstall did not work. You would think Lacerte would tell us about this issue

Level 3

I have unplugged my computer from the internet.  It works just fine.  A pop up keeps coming up about not being connected to the internet.  I just exit out of the pop up.  Hopefully others can use their software without being connected to the internet.

Pville CPA
Level 1

Same here.  Trying the Lacerte Tool Hub.  

0 Cheers
Level 1

This has been happening all day.  I called 2x and all they can say is they are working on it.  Both desktops and cloud customers are impacted so they know it has to do with the latest release.  So frustrating!  I suggested communicating to all users and post updates, so we don't waste more time calling.  I have yet to receive an update.  We pay way too much money to have this software not working.  The software should be tested before any update is posted.  Why are customers not more upset?  There is nothing on twitter or social media.  I think this is kind of a big deal.  Losing one day during this critical time is costing me a ton.

Community Manager
Community Manager

E-file and REP latency issues have been resolved and we are continuing to monitor closely.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Anyone still having issues?  Ours has been giving us grief for the past few months and still on-going!!!

0 Cheers
Level 15

As a general rule, run 2021 Lacerte Web Setup to run a clean install. That will generally work. I try to use this for every update, rather than use the in program update.

Try the new Lacerte Tool Hub https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/help-articles/help/fix-common-problems-and-errors-with-the-l... if you still have problems.


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 3

Boy dio I ever agree about this. Even the TY2022 Lacerte software is basically useless.

I think this because Lacerte is essentially a DOS based program that was ported to  Windows - if you notice, you cannot open more than one "window" in Lacerte. It is written as a 32 bit applicable, not 64 bit.

I swicthed from ProSeries to Lacerte for the quality and extra features/flexibility, but now that  I'm planning to cut back on my practice (getting too old for this) I am going back to ProSeries.

I will say that Lacerte performs much better when connected to the internet with a CAT6 ot CAT7 cable. Using WiFi, it is unusable. Sending E-Docs, organizers etc it's locks up almost 100% of the time.

My wifi is not slow - I use fiber and the wifi is 350mbs up and down. It's the program and basically needs a total rewrite, which Intuit will never do.




Level 3

Margie, totally agree. I think we have all just "accepted" that Lacerte, while an outstanding program in terms of features, is essentially a dog as far as the programming goes. If a new car I bought worked like this, it would be recalled.

Oh and when tech support says they are  "working on it", that translates to "we didn't test it properly".