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Form 8995-A Schedule D

Level 2

When will Form 8995-A Schedule D be released?  I have farm returns due March 2 and I need this Schedule D to be finished up so that I can complete these returns!

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22 Comments 22
Level 15

Follow https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/lacerte-discussions/discussion/form-release/00/53504 Hopefully there will be some feedback .

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 15

From https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/lacerte-discussions/discussion/re-form-release/01/54350#M105...

Lacerte does not expect to have this out in time, so paper file.


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 3

Ultra Tax has had this form up and live for over 2 weeks

I have over 70 farm returns stacked up waiting for this form.

 Come on Intuit help us here, please get the form out.


Level 3

Replying to JL Halle


I do not see how they cannot have the form ready, if input the QBI Coop and the QBI wage from Coop in the QBI Section of Schedule F, it will carry the calculated number to Form 8995-A line 14

And it is carrying the Coop Sec 199A9g) deduction to Line 38 Form 8995-A

Seems like we are getting the runaround as the form is doing what is it supposed to.

Can we by pass the EF error and push that return through efiling? 

This is a bad bad deal for us users who have hundreds and more of Schedule F's. And it is just not the Schedule F's,. Many of our clients get this pass through on a K-1 as well.

Please Intuit,get this form out


Level 3

Dear Lacerte,

Another up date today and still  no form 8995-D

The farm deadline is now 13 days away. As another poster indicated, this form has been on the IRS website since mid December and other software companies have the form live and working for weeks.

Farm tax season is very short, it is very grueling, and it is very stressful. For the past 19 years I have used Lacerte to help ensure that farm tax season ran as smooth as possible. And I have been very happy with Lacerete, I do not pay for Lacerte to make my tax season more stressful, this year you are making the stress and pressure of meeting the March 2nd Farm tax deadline **bleep** near unbearable.

For myself and the 10,000s of thousand other Lacerte users preparing farm returns I am begging you to get form 8995-D working. I do not understand why it does not, when you enter the figures necessary to have form 8995-D calculate the coop 9% or 50% wage reduction the correct numbers flow to 8995-A Lie 14 and the Coop DPAD flows to 8995-A page 2 line 38.

Finally, by not having 8995-D live we cannot prepare any pass-through K-1s with Coop information either.

Your lack of attention, lack of communication, and not getting this form up and running for us, is pushing our loyalty to Lacerte over the end...


Long Time Lacerte User

Lisa Dewey
Level 3

I am also a long time Lacerte user, with several Farm returns.  I am definitely looking at other programs after this season.  This years delays and lack of knowledgeable support staff is unacceptable.  A few of my farmers have land conservancies with large deductions and I need to efile by the 28th.  I hope Lacerte works on form 8995-A D ahead of the estimated 28th release date.   Oh and don't get me started on the Fiduciary returns.  That's another nightmare!  We pay top dollar for an exceptional program and it's not happening this year. 

Level 15
Level 15

@IntuitAustin   @AshleyatIntuit    any input on this situation? 

The natives are getting restless!


Looking at the form status page for Lacerte, it's the instructions that are not final and it says "see critical diagnostic".  I use ProSeries, not Lacerte, so I can only speak to what is listed, but what exactly does the critical diagnostic say? https://lfs.intuit.com/#/s/US/I is what i'm looking at.

0 Cheers

Also note the instructions are still in draft form with IRS https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-dft/i8995a--dft.pdf so that appears to be root cause.  That being said, you may still be able to file it, it's just that if instructions change, you may have to amend, but again, i'd refer to that critical diagnostic.  IRS instructions being in draft form, means until they finalize we can't finalize either.

Level 2

I think the instructions are no longer in draft form and became final last week on the IRS website.  I am  not sure why Lacerte cannot get 8995-A Schedule D available for use.  I do not understand their reason for delay.  I sure wish they would respond.  No information makes me real uncomfortable.


 Note that if they were just finalized last week by IRS, then they will likely be updated in an upcoming release, but based on IRS finalization there is a timeframe to get that implemented in software so that may be the delay there.  I would wait to see if an update this week finalizes.  

0 Cheers
Level 3

Ashley- to answer your questions the diagnostic for the 8995-A says that instructions are still in draft but makes it sound like we can still file it and that form is there in the tax return.  The instructions show as posted on IRS.gov on 2/11. 

But the diagnostic for the 8995-A Schedule D says it is not included in this version of the program.  8995-A Schedule D shows posted on IRS.gov on 12/19 (and 8995-A was on 12/20) so the form has been out there for 2 months.

Ron Millar
Level 1

I subscribe to The Farm CPA Today blog.  The blog post dated February 16 indicated that the final Form 8995-A and instructions were released in the prior week. 

This is 100% a Lacerte issue.  The final Schedule D form is identical to the draft form.  Lacerte has had more than enough time to have this form finalized by now.  Unacceptable.

Level 2

I gave them grace last year when they caused me a bunch of extra work and IRA notices due to DPAD programming errors. 26 years with Lacerte.  If they don't get it done by middle of next week, this is most likely the final straw for me. 

0 Cheers
Level 2

I'll bet Turbo Tax works!

0 Cheers
Level 3

It's Up ITS UP --- Form 8995-A Schedule D is up and running.


Thank you, but you still caused a tremendous amount of angst and stress.



Level 1


0 Cheers
Level 2

I don't think it is calculating correctly. Lacerte instructions say to enter the amount of qualified coop dividends and then it puts that number on Line 2, Schedule D Form 8995-A when I think that number should be a % of QBI NOT the total qualified payments...….

0 Cheers
Level 3


You need your own worksheet to determine the QBI allocable to qualified payments received from a Coop. And your own worksheet to get the W-2 wages allocable to qualified paymetns received from cooperative.


That article hopefully will help you



0 Cheers
Level 2

Clayinnd - I agree - I guess my post was more of a comment about the instructions that Lacerte says for the amount to put in the input screen and then it puts the wrong number on the form.  Fun Times!!!



0 Cheers
Level 2

Mine still says form 8995-A is not available for release.  I checked and I have no pending Lacerte updates.  Any suggestions?

0 Cheers
Level 3

I would reboot computer, restart Lacerte got to Tools and retry the update.

There are 3 Lacerte users in my area and we have the update and 8995-D live and working


good luck