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Client Letter changing the words you/your to client name? Keyword issue or?

Level 1

I am having an issue with the client letter/text editor where all instances of "you/your" are being changed to using the taxpayer's first name - most of the time making it sound ridiculous. 


Here are a couple examples....


My letter reads "we look forward to working with you" when I go to print it it reads "we look forward to working with DUBALICIOUS". 

Where it reads "we are pleased to have you as a client" the printed version says "we are pleased to have DUBALICIOUS as a client."


I haven't worked on letters much in the past so I suspect it's related to a keyword or maybe a salutation input/override somewhere?


Would appreciate any help I can get, thanks!



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1 Comment 1
Level 15


One change that would make the standard letter look better is to NOT  USE ALL CAPS in screen1. 

You would need to find the various paragraphs that you think look ridiculous and remove the [KEYWOR] and replace it with you/you or that which you find more acceptable. 


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