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Can I suppress the taxpayer's ssn on his copies of the returns?

Level 1
0 Cheers
7 Comments 7
Level 8

Yes.  In  the Print window, in the Client Copy box, at the top there is a check box for Mask Social Security #.  This also means it will print with a Do Not File watermark.

Level 11

Why wouyld you want to?

Level 15

In case the client leaves the tax return sitting on the table at McDonalds after doing their thorough review of the return.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

Exactly. Actually given the number of "I don't know WHAT I've done with last year's tax return" comments I hear, I'm surprised there aren't tax returns on most McDonald's tables.

Level 9

Once you give it to him, it is his responsibility


0 Cheers
Level 9

I charge clients for additional copies.

0 Cheers
Level 8

I usually do this too.  The cover sheet of the client copy has my privacy policy and the statement that this is your copy, if you give it away or lose it extra copies are going to cost you.

0 Cheers