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Anyone else noticing that not all organizers selected for print actually do print from Lacerte in Rightworks.

Level 3

We operate Lacerte hosted through RightWorks.

Last year many of clients stated that they didn't receive their mailed paper organizers.  This year we are being very diligent, selecting only 10 clients to print at a time, checking that each has printed against a list and have noticed that on average, 1 in 10 clients organizers are NOT printing. We find this process very time consuming and yet necessary because there is an obvious issue between Lacerte and Rightworks that hasn't been addressed.  

If you mail organizers like our office still does, be very careful in assuming that all your tax organizers have printed.  I have not received one error about a client NOT PRINTING.

Pass the word around and maybe we can get this fixed.


14 Comments 14
Level 15

I don't do Lacerte or RightWorks, but out of curiosity I do have a question.  Is there a pattern as to which ones are not printing?  Is it like every 3rd one or is it helter skelter and no real pattern to the non-printing organizers?

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 3

no real discernable pattern that I've discovered...one time it was 3 out of 10 that didn't print...

0 Cheers
Level 15

You could always try calling support.  But my guess would be that you would feel like a ping pong ball after calling.  Lacerte will say their system is running right, so it must by RightWorks so call them.  You could then call RighWorks and they will say, you need to call Lacerte. 😬

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

I have been doing our organizers last week and this week.  For us the only ones that did not print to a printer are deceased that died before 2024, and ones that had a suppressed checkbox checked.  When I print to pdf though, there were some that errored, but did print to pdf.  We host ourselves on site. Never did figure out what the errors were that existed when the organizer printed to pdf and looked good to my eyes.  

0 Cheers
Level 3

yeah that's better than what's happening here...doesn't seem to be a pattern...locked...unlocked...no rhyme or reason...select 10 to print and only 6 to 9 will.

0 Cheers
Level 15

One more possible reason - You are doing Organizers too early. The first few releases are beta testers. There will virtually always be bugs.  Right now releases are in increments of 0.5 I try to wait as long as possible to get the job done. 

Just for fun - Do another test print after the mid December release and see if the same problem exists and report back. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 3

Thanks George. Although that is a good suggestion, it won't be "fun" to wait that late in the game to print organizers. 

Lacerte can't be serious about waiting until Mid-December to print tax organizers that need to be mailed out the first week of January. Especially when a firm can have more than 1K to get "organized" and sent timely.  December is "TOO EARLY"....uh oh...I personally don't have time to wait to do this.

I believe that part of the Lacerte program should be updated/finalized by mid-November each and every year to assist those of us charged in the day to day administration of our accounting firms ...in case Intuit/Lacerte is listening...

We ran into this with returns themselves, at the final Assembly for delivery to client step.  We would be printing both Client & Goverment copies, for 3 to a dozen clients, and get....  half as many print jobs.  Very annoying.  Neither rhyme nor reason seemed to exist, but I suspected it had to do with the additional step of printing from RW to then select our physical printer.  Could not think of a way around that, though.



0 Cheers

However, with that said...


For the actual Organizers themselves, we never got the opportunity to find out if any got skipped by RW printing.

See, when I tried printing Organizers from RW to our network queue, I had to interact with EVERY SINGLE FLIPPING ONE in order to get paper to spew out.  I believe all it took was an "enter" keypress,because it was going to the same printer every time, but there was NO GODDAMN WAY that I was going to sit around pushing the "enter" key once every 3-5 minutes as each file processed for two and a half THOUSAND organizer print jobs.


So I exported/downloaded the entirety of the data directory path & client database files, and processed them all MUCH more quickly on our network install to print.  That way we were moving data around at Cat6 speed, not internet speed, and selecting the printer ONCE at the first print job rather than at EVERY job.  Way, way faster.


I also pause the print queue, stack them ALL up, then sort by page count in order to get all of same size (== same postage amount)printing together.  MUCH faster than sorting the "printed in alpha order" after they are on paper.

Robert Kirk

Level 3

oh and his another lovely "issue"...printing 10 organizers at a time and double checking my custom database report...have come across partial print jobs which could lead to accidentally stapling a client slipsheet to another client's tax organizer and something we wouldn't necessarily "catch" if we weren't just printing 10 at a time and diligently checking them off.  There was no error message regarding a partial print of a tax organizer so nothing would have alerted us to this breach of privacy for the client following the partial print job...this never used to happen when we weren't "hosted"...

What percentage of your clients use Intuit Link?

I'm trying to get my younger (under 60) and computer-savvy clients interested in Link.

0 Cheers
Level 3

This is wild guesses best on how it feels.  I think about 75% of clients occasionally use the portal, mostly to view what we share with them.  Fully using Intuit link, uploading documents, 8879s, etc, maybe about 60%.  Some of that includes pictures of tax documents, etc.  I like having a portal, but am not the biggest fan of intuit link itself.  

Thanks @CMcCullough 

60% of clients using Link is impressive.  I'm going to invite more of my clients to use it.  

0 Cheers
Level 1

Hello, our firm has 1,700 organizers to send out. We used to print them mid December. Learned one year to do it after the holidays. Now we start printing them in Jan and mail them out the second week of January.  We used to have clients begging for them in December. We used to have clients who also needed us to reprint because they lost them. Moving them to January has actually improved the need to reprint (so many less) and those who were asking us for them in December were the ones who always got stuff in by the first of Feb and always had missing items. 

Waiting the extra week or so, we found alot of clients called to updatre mailing addresses once the holiday season passed. I guess holiday cards that got returned prompts people to think "who else did I forget to tell that I moved". I think that was the worst thing, we would print and mail out only to have a bunch of clients call to indicate they moved the end of Dec/Early Jan. We would reprint obviously but more trees....

I know it is not fun to do, it does put a bit of strain on the staff. We have recruited people who are in the office to help out and invited those that work remotely to come in for a bit.  Even if one staff accountant or tax preparer helps for an hour, it makes it so much easier.