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For the Programmers -- Form 1041 Organizer -- For the Programmers

Level 2

When are you folks going to fix the Additional Information (last page) of the Fiduciary organizer?  It's been broken for three or four years now.

It is NOT supposed say . . . "Please enter all pertinent 2023 information. Last year's amounts are provided for your reference."

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2 Comments 2
Level 8
Level 8

Just an FYI, this is a peer user forum. Support techs rarely check in here. I wish they would, to see and grab these things to fix, but it's not their MO. The best way to escalate this is to call Support. I know that's not ideal, but it's the way.  Sorry.

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Level 2

Hey Karl. Kinda delinquent on this, but thanks for taking the time to reply. Figured as much based on your answer. Gotta go to Support and hope for the best.   ---fjk