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Client Invoice Form Charges EXCEL SPREADSHEET PLEASE!

Level 3

I've used Client Invoice Form Charges since 2004 and each year I print last year (2022) and pencil in the new charges for 2023 by applying an inflation increase (3% this time) and then keypunching each 2023 form charge into Lacerte.   With federal and 10 states for Individual and adding the PShip, Corp, SCorp and Fiduciary fee schedules, this is a HUGE list of individual forms to update and keypunch.  3 Hours to update 2023 Form Charges.  Totally unnecessary and time wasted.

LACERTE PLEASE let me simply Export to a spreadsheet, apply my inflation percentage, and then Upload the new Form Charges to the Client Invoice Form Charges.




7 Comments 7

Client > Group Select

Print > Database Reports > Status. Choose the billing/receipt or other status item that you need.

This prints a report. I think you can export the report to Excel.

Please let me know if that helps. 

0 Cheers

@larrygrussell1 Have you learned how to do it?

0 Cheers
Level 3

Here is where I am trying to export to an Excel the "Form Charges":

Settings > Client Invoice > Form Charges   <== Lacerte has a "Print" but not an "Export" button and not an "Import" button.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Sorry but this does not help.  I can already print the Form Charges on paper directly from the Form Charges screen.

BUT this is what I want to AVOID.

EXPORT (button) Form Charges to Excel

Update Excel for inflation

IMPORT (button) Excel updated amounts to a new Fee Schedule

0 Cheers

Larry, have you tried to get a solution from Tech Support?

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This was one of the things I actually wrapped into the LTUGtools utilities that I built in the Paradox database program, and posted to the LTUG usergroup page on Yahoo!Groups back in...  I want to say about 2008 or so.  You would set to year & module to look for, make sure you have an Option path specified, give the Invoice# to change, and the % increase to apply.

  Paradox would open the saved invoice file and replace all of the fee amounts with the higher.


VERY few people ever bothered to get a free download of Paradox Runtime to actually make use of the utilities, though.  Ahhh, well.


What you CAN do is:

 - go to your Option path for the (new) year, after everything rolls up;

 - scroll down and find your selected Invoice file;

 - right-click and "Open With" NotePad;

 - (i would recommend search/replace common features of the pricing lines with 'Tab', so that you get distinct columns in a spreadsheet);

 - copy/paste into a spreadsheet, now with one entire column of nothing but pricing numbers;

 - do your column of math to get the new amounts, and then copy/ paste AS VALUES (not formulae) the new amounts over the old;

 - remember to delete (or just not-copy) the column of new prices that uou just did math on;

 - copy/paste the now-updated info back to the open text file you started with;

 - search/replace 'Tabs (now that you are done with columns) with whatever it was to start with, like = or $;

 Ź close file and Save;

 - open that invoice in that module in that year of Lacerte, and double-check for accuracy.


I am speaking in generalities because we never used Lacerte invoices, so I do not recall the filename; nor do I recall the structure of the lines inside, after looking at it that time & solving the issue I never had cause to visit it again.

Robert Kirk

Level 15

The file is in X:>Lcerte>YYtax>Option YY

The file is USBILL2.IW3 for Idividual, use P for Partneship, C for Corp, etc.

It looks a bit like this


Not fun!!!

I just go to (this year) 2023 and increase the prices to 2024 figures BEFORE I do the proforma. That way 2023 & 2024 are the same for new 2023 or 2024 clients. 


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
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