I have an app that I developed to automate data entry into lacerte, we have been using it since 2019 and i have the Lacerte ODBC drivers to do it. I can push numbers to any year except 2024, i get this message. "Unable to perform authorization check. The LacerteTax application must be setup and have resolved the proper realm id." Lacerte hasn't been able to help me, it has not happened in the last five years, so we are just trying to get to the bottom of it.
Did you install the latest driver. I haven't tested, but they released version this week, and I believe you need that.
Hi, I was going to suggest the same things. I was using version of the SDK and I kept on getting "Cannot find encrypt4.dll" (or something like that). I wrote an ODBC program to create a customer questionnaire based on previous year tax returns. I installed the release this morning and all the problems went away and I was able to query thousands of clients and get their data with no problems.
Also I found that they have changed how your access Series = 1 info. The codes have changed and I only found this by using the ODBC interface with Excel. I had to change the query: