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The following diagnostic is generating: The credit code is missing from screen 48.285 (Missouri Credits), code 1 ("Type of Credit"). Please select a valid credit using the (Ctrl+T) Table. (Ref. $58476)

Update did not fix this error.  I agree with the previous posts - today is the deadline and this is forcing extensions.  We should have a solution by now - it has been a week since the Lacerte rep said they would look into this.  No excuse!

I only have one MO 1120S and tried e-filing to see what would happen. It went through with no issues. I just sent it as normal without using the option to override error checking. Submitted and accepted this morning. Give it a shot. I still have the diagnostic so it apparently doesn't matter. I had no credits of any form - just the critical error message.

If you file you may want to amend. I have several that want to see what the MO PTE will do to their taxes.

So where is the supposed update for today?? Mine is telling me I'm on the latest update!

I called Lacerte yesterday (3-15).  They said it would hopefully be fixed "by the end of this week"  I tried to pin them down on what day that would be.  Thursday? Friday? Saturday? Sunday?  What exactly does end of the week mean?  She would not answer me.