In reading the IRS instructions for the extension to file, Form 4868, I cannot discern some facts about the costs of not paying the full tax owed with that form... read more
If the Client takes the student loan interest deduction on the federal return, I see pro-series add it automatically on the Maryland State return under the addi... read more
My client has an joint LLC that operates as the management company for 2 subsidiary LLCs on his name. He is required to file a 1065 form since its a 2 member LL... read more
Have a client that Lived in DC in 2024 from 1/1/24 to 4/19/24 then moved to CA for the rest of 2024 and domiciled there. He and wife had 2024 total income of ~2... read more
Hi Follower tax preparers,I have received a Maryland Trust from a new client. The Trust has only one item in the Trust. A NJ vacation rental property. But the p... read more
Hello:I am getting an unable to calculate on my potential tax savings in the tax plan, what do I need to do to properly to have the tax savings calculate?
I'm trying to download an old version of QB desktop. I sign into my intuit account and go to the purchases I've made and it shows the shows the software and the... read more
My client is a full time PA resident but employer withheld Md state income tax. The non-resident return requests full refund of all Md tax withheld. I intend to... read more
I am using the desk top version of TT. So here is my issueI work full time, wife does not (no W2 or 1099-just dividends) We file married/jointly. MAGI is WELL b... read more
When trying to download credit card transactions from Bank Of America, I only seem to obtain the finance charges and payments on the account-none of the credit ... read more
I've asked Accountant Support for help on this issue and they were unable to come up with solutions - told me to ask the Pro Advisors.I'm doing current year cle... read more