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Enter in YTD Paystub?

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Enter in YTD Paystub?

Renee Daggett

Working with ITA feels easy to move around.  Entering in higher W2 Gross wages is great, but I wish the SS/Med wages would auto-populate like it does when you enter a W2 in Lacerte.  It would also be nice to be able to enter in a YTD paystub so we don't have to calculate the annual numbers.  

Thanks much! 


PS - The Ideal Labels are way too limited.  I spent more time figuring out what to call this suggestion than I did creating the suggestion!  

Changing to "Open for voting". Thanks for the ideas!! 

Status: Open for Voting
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Intuit Edgar

Hello Renee. Thank you for your feedback. Our Intuit Tax Advisor group is currently working on the SS/Med calcualtions for changes to gross wages. As for the YTD paystub entry, can you elaborate more on this? Something like  a new client that is not already in Lacerte? 

Level 3

Edgar...I think what Renee means is entering a July 15 pay stub and having the software extrapolate the pay for the full 12 months.  That is a feature in Lacerte Tax Planner.

Community Manager
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Status changed to: Open for Voting

Changing to "Open for voting". Thanks for the ideas!! 

Level 3

I currently use a spreadsheet for this purpose but integrating it into ITA would be useful.

The client's YTD info is input into the spreadsheet, and the spreadsheet returns an estimate for the entire year. I have a few different toggles on each line item of the pay stub to adjust the estimated amount (e.g. bonuses, raises, etc.)

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