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EDIT: Tech support advised I post this for developers to see.
I have a 2021 MFJ client whose husband passed away in 2021. Again, they're married filing jointly and filing as such for 2021.
The client is filing fed and Colorado individual income tax returns with refunds due on both.
ProConnect has a severe glitch and problem that has been mentioned here on these boards very specifically before and continues to happen.
The surviving spouse is filing the returns as such, and therefore we do NOT need to complete and file federal Form 1310 - Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer. It's simply not required by the IRS in this case.
Yet, when I check the returns, a critical diagnostic preventing e-filing altogether is returned:
"If Form DR 0104 checkbox for deceased is marked and the return is claiming a refund, Form DR 0102 must be submitted." CO - Ref #49166
And, in order to force the above Colorado 0102 to generate, I have to activate and complete the NOT REQUIRED federal Form 1310.
And, even if I activate and complete the unnecessary federal Form 1310, a critical diagnostic still prevents me from e-filing both returns!
I contacted ProConnect and it couldn't help and advised me to post here.
I understand having to snail mail the Colorado 0102, yet ProConnect is forcing a 1310 that's not required and still won't allow any e-filing.
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Useful advice:
1) Are you sure that the critical diagnostic actually prevents e-filing? A lot of them don't.
2) Generate the CO 0102, print it to PDF, attach the PDF to the CO e-file, remove the Form 1310 entries. Alternatively, apply the CO refund forward to 2022, when they won't have this problem. (They'll have a different problem, because CO is going to stick that refund in the deceased spouse's name, but the returns will e-file just fine both years.)
3) Disable e-file error checking and see what gets accepted.
Hard truths you are unlikely to appreciate:
4) We have to tell clients that the e-file rules are sometimes stupid, bureaucratic, and unfair all the time. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. This is particularly true when someone dies, because pretty much everything about death is stupid, bureaucratic, and unfair.
5) Ain't no one going to be attempting to fix anything this late in the season, in large part because every update carries a non-zero risk of breaking something else. That sucks when you have what seems like an obvious, easy to fix thing. For me one year, that was "the supporting schedule Lacerte is producing doesn't foot."
6) You and your client have known for 9 months now that they had a tax return due this year. Here it is September already; they can't be too desperate for the money.
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You mean, not useful advice.
1. Yes, and tech support tried as well and couldn't force e-filing.
2. We tried. Not a workaround. Client doesn't want to apply to 2022.
3. Doesn't allow e-filing.
4. You sound like a condescending arse. Considering my own father passed away this year, and the years I've been in practice, I know this. Project your condescending mean-spirited ego elsewhere.
5 and 6. See #4.
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@CryptoRoz Look at the history of the person you are calling a condescending arse! You are so wrong.
You can to this forum looking for help because support did not provide what you wanted or needed. There are several power users her that try to assist and often know far more than support does. We do not have all the details of your issue, only what you post. We don't know what steps you have taken.
Calm down and ask full and complete questions. Interact with the respondent to give more information if it will help you get to a desired end.
Sometimes users will mention superpowers of the Lacerte program that don't work on ProConnect.
Best of luck, but be nice.
Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
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In ProConnect Tax, certain critical diagnostics must be cleared before you can e-file the return. If you believe a critical diagnostic does not apply to your return, and wish to e-file with the diagnostic present, you can check the Ignore box to disregard it. However, this may result in an e-file rejection.
Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
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Tech support specifically advised that I post about the issue.
And, mind you, we pay increased money for this software each year to work properly. The issue I posted about should not be happening in terms of the Federal Form 1310, when it's not required for this taxpayer.
This is a software issue. Thus, the post.
Now, I agree that the Colorado form should be mailed. Tech support and myself have tried everything. You cannot ignore the critical diagnostic and e-file. It prevents e-filing. I'm using ProConnect.
An aside: I did not post to receive subjective "advice," especially inclusive of remarks about death and bureaucracy. As mentioned, I personally have suffered the greatest loss of my life this year in losing my father. And, for folks who lack the empathy to understand this--we have huge hoops to jump through for court and probate and taxes and waiting and waiting for final forms. We get it. We don't need strangers on forums to stand on soapboxes.
Many thanks for your response. Best wishes.
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I edited my original post to include the fact that tech support advised I make the post for developers to see. That was an important fact that I originally excluded.
Again, tech support and I have tried everything to potentially e-file the federal return.
We agree the Colorado return will be snail mailed.
Thanks again.
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This is a peer user forum. developers don't come here.
Phoebe was speaking hard truths. Sorry you don't like it, but she is one of the best, if not the best, that we have on these forums.
Since you are paper filing CO, get it ready and print. Then go back and delete the 1310 stuff in the 1040. I can't see why it wouldn't efile.
I am sorry for your loss.
The more I know the more I don’t know.
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Apparently tech support didn’t know this, as it specifically advised posting for developers to see.
There is no workaround here. We will have to paper file.
If I could close this post, I would at this point. Seems no point to it—all things considered. Thanks for your input.
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Tech Support doesn't know a lot of things.
We tend to know more than they do a lot of times.
We are usually glad to help. We get no compensation for helping, so being nice and saying thanks are appreciated.
The more I know the more I don’t know.
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Tech support is overworked, often uninformed and/or incorrect. And likely underpaid. AND, so are we - 'we' are all volunteers, doing our best to help out fellow tax pros.
Intuit has increasingly passed off most/all 'support' to this forum - without divulging that this forum is predominately populated by unpaid fellow software users; new posters don't realize the fact the 'we' are volunteering to help out our colleagues.
While you may not like Phoebe's (one of the most valuable posters here) tone, she is correct in her assessment & suggested solutions.
I'm also sorry for your loss.
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I was able to get some help on this.
Have you tried e-filing Colorado by itself?
If not:
-e-file Colorado by itself
-go back to the return
-remove the entry for the federal 1310
-e-file federal by itself
We hope this helps!
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Yes, thank you. We're all taken care of here.
For Colorado, we're snail mailing the tax return, because Colorado requires both Forms 0102 and 0104 with a copy of the death certificate.
The Colorado Form 0102 instructions specifically say: "Complete the form below only if the return results in a refund, and mail with your income tax return for the year. You must also submit a copy of the death certificate to this form before mailing.."
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I agree. She didn't need to add her last three points as they have nothing to do with your question. Thank you for calling her out.