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Resolving Error Building Cache in ProSeries

by Intuit2 Updated 1 month ago

This article will help you resolve Error Building Cache errors when opening ProSeries. You'll often receive an error code. Typically this is caused by the Cache files becoming corrupt due to a conflicting background process or incomplete installation of a ProSeries formset. This article contains multiple solutions to these type of errors.

Before you Start:

  • This article references default installation paths and uses YY to reference the tax year in 20YY format. C: will always indicate the local drive and X: will always indicate the network drive.

Running program maintenance

If this does not fix the error, continue to the next session.

Rebuild the cache files:

  1. Close the error message.
  2. Open the Windows File Explorer
  3. Browse to the Forms folder and open the Forms folder:
    • For ProSeries Professional network and stand alone it's C:\ProWinYY\Forms
    • For ProSeries Basic it's C:\BasWinYY\Forms
  4. Delete the cache.fdfi and RNCACHE files
  5. Hold down the Windows Key and press R to open Run.
  6. Enter the following command for your program:
    • For ProSeries Professional: C:\ProWinYY\32bit\protaxYY.exe/buildcache
    • For ProSeries Basic: C:\BasWinYY\32bit\protaxYY.exe/buildcache
    • Be sure to replace the YY with the year of ProSeries that's showing the error.
  7. Press Enter.
  8. The cache will be rebuild and after a few minutes ProSeries program should open.
  9. If you receive the same error, continue to the next section.

Delete Windows Temp Files:

  1. Hold down the Windows Key and press R to open Run.
  2. In the Run box, enter %temp% and press Enter.
  3. Delete all files in the Temp folder,
    • The operating system won't let you to delete files that are in use.
  4. Restart the computer and try to open ProSeries again.
  5. If you receive the same error, continue to the next section.

Checking for incorrect Forms:

  1. Close the error message.
  2. Close any open year of ProSeries.
  3. Open the Windows File Explorer
  4. Browse to the Forms folder and open the Forms folder:
    • For ProSeries Professional network and stand alone it's C:\ProWinYY\Forms
    • For ProSeries Basic it's C:\BasWinYY\Forms
  5. Look for any form folder that has the wrong year on it, or that is a duplicate:
    • Duplicate folders will have a (#) after the folder names, such as 1040_24(2)
    • Duplicate files will have a (#) after the folder names, such as S24S1040.dggn(1)
    • The state naming convention is typically the two letter state abbreviation, one letter return type, followed by the tax year. KSI_24 would be Kansas Individual for tax year 24.
  6. If you find duplicate folders you'll need to do a clean install of ProSeries.

Additional troubleshooting:

  • If no other options resolved the error then the ProSeries installation may be damaged or corrupted. A complete re-install of the program is required. Form more information see Performing a clean install of ProSeries.
  • This error can sometimes be caused by Third Party Applications, restarting the computer in safemode can determine if there is a third party application interrupting ProSeries.
ProSeries BasicProSeries Professional

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