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Resolving ProSeries Pay-Per-Return (PPR) errors

by Intuit Updated 4 months ago

When attempting to increase your Pay-Per-Return (PPR) account balance in Intuit ProSeries Professional or Intuit ProSeries Basic, you may receive an error. This article will help you resolve some common errors.

For more Print & PDF resources, check out our Troubleshooting page for Print & PDF where you'll find answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Before you start:

  • Unlocked years of the program can cause these errors. For more information on unlocked years of the program, see here.
  • For TY19 and newer, we recommend starting troubleshooting off by updating the program first.

Table of contents:

Due to a temporary server error, we were unable to increase your account balance - Error 25760-99-0

  • Check to make sure the card isn't expired.
  • Make sure the Credit Card type is correct.

If you have a QuickBooks desktop product installed:

  1. Close ProSeries
  2. Sign out of QuickBooks Desktop
  3. Open and sign into ProSeries.
  4. Increase your pay per return balance again.

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ProSeries has encountered an unexpected error - Error ProSeries-25760-9000-0

Check the Credit Card number that has been entered. This is often caused by an invalid card number.

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Certificate authority is invalid - Error code 25756-0-67186445

This error can most commonly be resolved by updating ProSeries:

  1. Open ProSeries.
  2. From the Update menu, select Update Installed Products.
  3. Once the updates are downloaded, select Install Now.
  4. Try again to increase your pay-per-return account balance.

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ProSeries has encountered an unexpected error, please contact Technical Support

This error often comes with one of the following:

  • Error Code: 25760-3112-0
  • Error Code: 25760-4011-0
  • Error Code: 25760-4000-0
  • Error Code: 25760-1032-0
  • Error Code: 25756-0-67186444

These error can most commonly be resolved by updating ProSeries:

  1. Open ProSeries.
  2. From the Update menu, select Update Installed Products.
  3. Once the updates are downloaded, select Install Now.
  4. Try again to increase your pay-per-return account balance.

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Error - ProSeries message log return not authorized, not able to print PPR

When attempting to print a PPR Federal Form (1040, 1041, etc.), the following error appears:

"ProSeries message log return not authorized, not able to print PPR"

To resolve this error:

  1. Make sure that an SSN/EIN has been entered on the Federal Information Worksheet for the return.
  2. Make sure there is money in the firm's PPR account to cover the transaction.
  3. In the HomeBase, select the return. Then, go to the Tools menu and select Authorize Returns. You should receive a message stating that "All selected returns have been authorized."
  4. Check the Audit report to confirm the return is authorized.
    • To check the Audit report, click on the Tools menu and select Pay Per Return. This will open the Pay Per Return window. Then, click on View audit report. This will open the Audit report for viewing.
    • You may also choose to print the Audit report by selecting Print audit report.

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Error - In order to authorize the return a valid SSN, EIN, or TRN must be present on the Federal Information Worksheet

When attempting to print, e-file, or otherwise authorize a return, a message is returned stating:

"ProSeries has detected that you are attempting to complete, print or e-file a return which must be authorized for pay per return before continuing. In order to authorize the return a valid SSN, EIN, or TRN must be present on the Federal Information Worksheet." 

After clicking OK on the message, you're unable to complete the authorization.

How do I resolve this error?

  • This error commonly occurs when there isn't a valid SSN or EIN on the Federal Information Worksheet. Make sure that there's a valid SSN or EIN entered.
  • If there's a valid SSN or EIN entered, this error may be caused by an unwanted state unintentionally being attached to the return.

For instructions on removing an unwanted state from a return, see Adding and removing state/city returns in ProSeries.

The steps listed in the link above can be used to check if unwanted states are attached to the current return. If no unwanted states are attached to the affected return, it's not necessary to complete all steps in the linked article.

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Error - There seems to be a systems problem. Check your internet connection and try again

When processing a credit card in to increase the Pay-Per-Return Account balance in ProSeries, the following error generates:

"There seems to be a systems problem. Check your internet connection and try again."

How do I resolve this error?

This error is usually caused by an invalid credit card number. Check the number entered in ProSeries and try again.

Examples of an incorrectly typed credit card number may include:

  • An American Express card that's 14 or 16 digits (should be 15)
  • A Visa/Mastercard/Discover card that's 15 or 17 digits (should be 16)

This error won't present with the new NGP wallet widget.

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If additional assistance is needed, contact Customer Service.

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