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How to add next year's Lacerte to Rightworks for Intuit Hosting

by Intuit Updated 6 months ago

Before you start:

  • This article will help you add Lacerte 2023 to your Rightworks remote desktop. If you don't use Lacerte's Intuit Hosting, see How to download and install Lacerte, instead.
  • Use the red Logoff button on your remote desktop to sign out of the hosted environment, and have any other users in your firm for whom you're installing Lacerte 2023 sign out, too.
  • If you need to install prior year software, refer to the Installing apps section of Lacerte Intuit Hosting onboarding and setup guide.

Follow these steps to add Lacerte 2023 to the hosted environment:

  1. Sign in to the Rightworks AppHub.
    • Users with the User (no catalog) role will need the Account Owner or someone with the Account Admin role to install apps for them.
  2. Select My Apps.
  3. Scroll down to the Available Applications section and locate 2023 Lacerte.
  4. Select Install.
    • The installation will begin, and when it's complete, you'll see 2023 Lacerte in the Installed Applications section.
  5. If you are the Account Owner or Account Admin and also want to install the new year for your other users:
    1. Select the Admin Console.
    2. Go to the Users tab.
    3. Click on the name of the user to be taken to their Apps screen.
    4. Scroll down to the Available Applications section and locate 2023 Lacerte.
    5. Select Install.
      • The installation will begin, and when it's complete, you'll see ​2023 ​​Lacerte​ in the Installed Applications section.
    6. Select All Users in the upper left to quickly get back to your list of users if you need to repeat to install for additional users.

When you next login to the hosted environment, you'll see the Lacerte shortcut for the new year on your desktop. The first user for your firm to sign in to the new year of Lacerte will be prompted to select the business so the prep file can be downloaded.

This app has been blocked by your system administrator

If you were logged in to your hosted environment at the time the program was being installed, you'll receive an error when you open the newly installed year of Lacerte:

"This app has been blocked by your system administrator. Contact your system administrator for more info."

You'll need to log off appropriately. Use the red Logoff button to sign out of the hosted environment. If you are missing this icon, right-click on the Start/Windows icon, select Shut down or sign out and choose Sign out.

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