Common questions about using Rightworks for Intuit Hosting
by Intuit• Updated 1 month ago
This article provides answers to FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about using Intuit Hosting.
Table of contents:
How do I use Rightworks on multiple monitors?
By default, the Rightworks shortcut will use one monitor. On computers with 2 (dual monitor) to 4 monitors, this shortcut can be edited to use all of your monitors. Currently, the maximum resolution per screen is 4096x2048.
How do I pin a shortcut to the Taskbar in Rightworks?
If you want to unpin a shortcut from the Taskbar, you'll need to call to speak with an Intuit Hosting expert.
For more information on how to contact Lacerte, as well as our operating hours, see here.
For more information on how to contact ProSeries, as well as our operating hours, see here.
To pin a shortcut to the Taskbar:
- Open your Windows File Explorer in Rightworks.
- Open This PC on the left side.
- Open Desktop.
- NOTE: You must select This PC, and then Desktop. If you select Desktop from the Quick Access links instead of going through This PC, the following steps won't work.
- Single-click to select the program you want to pin.
- From the Manage tab, select Pin to taskbar.
How to resolve the error: This app has been blocked by your system administrator
This error occurs when you were logged in to your Remote Desktop at the time you installed the program that you are trying to open. To resolve this error, follow these instructions:
- Double-click the red Logoff button to sign out of the hosted environment.
- If you are missing this icon, right-click on the Start/Windows icon, select Shut down or sign out, and choose Sign out.
- Log back into your Remote Desktop and open the program again.
How do I unpin an item from Quick Access in File Explorer?
- Open File Explorer in Rightworks.
- From the File tab, click the unpin icon under Frequent Places.
- Close and re-open File Explorer.
Helpful keyboard shortcuts
Mac keyboards use Command ⌘ instead of Ctrl.
- Copy:
- Ctrl + C
- Cut:
- Ctrl + X
- Paste:
- Ctrl + V
- Create New Folder:
- Ctrl + Shift + N
- Select All:
- Ctrl + A
- Move the selected window to another monitor:
- Windows + Shift + left or right arrow key (← or →)
Why are my keyboard shortcuts not working?
- On your local desktop right-click on your Right Networks.rdp icon.
- Select Edit.
- Windows 11 users will need to select Show more options first to see Edit.
- Select the Local Resources tab.
- In the Keyboard section, under 'Apply Windows key combinations' check your selection in the dropdown menu.
- Example: If you do not use your Remote Desktop in Full-Screen view make sure you do not have the 'Only when using the full screen' choice selected in the dropdown.
- From the General tab, select Save.
Why does the Rightworks File Manager website say no root folders defined?
This occurs when the user does not have a package assigned to them.
To fix this issue, the Account Owner or Account Admin will need to follow these instructions:
- Sign in to the Rightworks AppHub.
- Go to the Admin Controls.
- Select the Packages & Add-ons tab.
- Under Packages select the tax package name.
- Select the Assign Packages to Users button.
- Check the user(s) that need access, then choose Assign to assign them one of the remaining package(s).
"This user already exists" when attempting to add a user on AppHub:
This occurs when the user you are trying to add has recently been removed from the Rightworks AppHub. The removal and re-add process takes 15-30 minutes. After waiting this length of time, try to re-add the user again.
Why do my drives have a red bar?
The bar indicates how much space has been used. While it may appear that you are running out of space, Rightworks monitors storage and uses dynamic resource allocation to automatically provide additional space when needed up to a limit of 80 GB per user. Be sure to only upload relevant business data to avoid reaching data limits. Rightworks performs best when not being used as a storage platform.
How much data storage is included?
Intuit Hosting data storage limits are based on the number of hosting users, allowing 80 GB per user.
How can I get to Mouse Properties to change the mouse settings to left-handed?
If you need to change mouse settings, follow these steps to get to Mouse Properties in the hosted environment:
- Open the Control Panel.
- Select Mouse.
- Make the desired changes, select Apply, and then choose OK.
- Left-handed users will usually check the Switch primary and secondary buttons on the Buttons tab.
- Left-handed users will usually check the Switch primary and secondary buttons on the Buttons tab.
If I work on my returns on my local computer, will they also be updated in the hosted environment? Or vice versa?
No. These are two separate environments. Client information is not automatically shared or synced between separate environments.
I'm going to travel to a foreign country, can I connect to the hosted environment there?
For security purposes, Rightworks may decide to block connections to the hosted environment from a foreign country. You can call to speak with a hosting expert to provide the static IP address (an IP address that doesn't change) that you will be connecting from, so Rightworks can make sure that connections from that ip address will be allowed during your trip.
For more information on how to contact Lacerte, as well as our operating hours, see here.
For more information on how to contact ProSeries, as well as our operating hours, see here.
Can I install a foreign language pack in the hosted environment?
Some program files can become damaged with the use of a foreign language pack. Because of this, foreign language packs are not available to install in the hosted environment.
Additional Resources
New users may also benefit from viewing the article Intuit Hosting new user's guide to Rightworks.
Rightworks does have a knowledge base that you can search at the Rightworks Help Page and they also have a Frequently Asked Support Questions article.