How to resolve e-file payload errors in ProConnect Tax
by Intuit•2• Updated 8 months ago
When attempting to e-file, you may receive a message about a transmission error:
Unable to successfully efile payload data to the Intuit servers. Problem occurred transmitting efile data.
Common causes
Trying to e-file a return that doesn't have the appropriate form generated in the return
If you tried to e-file a return that doesn't have the appropriate form generated in the return, do the following:
- Go to the Check Return tab.
- Make sure the form you are looking to e-file is generating.
- Try filing again.
Often, a return will be marked for e-file on the Profile tab, but it isn't generated in the return. For example, Federal Form 114 or NY Individual Form 1127 is marked for e-file on the Profile tab, but it isn't generated in the return.
New York returns with a Manual Entry Form can also cause this error due to invalid dates. To solve this:
- Go to the Manual Entry Form in the Input Return section.
- Find any fields with a date.
- Remove the date shown.
- Then select the date field and choose the appropriate date from the calendar.
- The date will change to the current date.
- Note: Make sure you don't delete and type in a date. This is a known issue in the input screen, however the actual form and efile will be correct.
- Resubmit the efiled return.
PDF attachment sizes are too large
Make sure the PDFs that are attached are less than 1.0 MB in size each. There's a total size limit of 20MB for PDF attachments in the return.