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How to resolve e-file payload errors in ProConnect Tax

by Intuit2 Updated 8 months ago

When attempting to e-file, you may receive a message about a transmission error:

Unable to successfully efile payload data to the Intuit servers. Problem occurred transmitting efile data.

Common causes

Trying to e-file a return that doesn't have the appropriate form generated in the return

If you tried to e-file a return that doesn't have the appropriate form generated in the return, do the following:

  1. Go to the Check Return tab.
  2. Make sure the form you are looking to e-file is generating.
  3. Try filing again.

Often, a return will be marked for e-file on the Profile tab, but it isn't generated in the return. For example, Federal Form 114 or NY Individual Form 1127 is marked for e-file on the Profile tab, but it isn't generated in the return.

New York returns with a Manual Entry Form can also cause this error due to invalid dates. To solve this:

  1. Go to the Manual Entry Form in the Input Return section.
  2. Find any fields with a date.
  3. Remove the date shown.
  4. Then select the date field and choose the appropriate date from the calendar.
  5. The date will change to the current date.
    • Note: Make sure you don't delete and type in a date. This is a known issue in the input screen, however the actual form and efile will be correct.
  6. Resubmit the efiled return.

PDF attachment sizes are too large

Make sure the PDFs that are attached are less than 1.0 MB in size each. There's a total size limit of 20MB for PDF attachments in the return.

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