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Thanks! One is a paper file, so I am just going ot ignore the error, print and mail. I was just concerned if the numbers were off, but it looks correct to me. B...
Anyone heard when the NOL new Form 172 will be released on Proseries? I have two clients I could have filed a month ago if this form were ready. The time it's t...
OK that seemed really strange as I've never encountered that. I thought it was a software glitch.I guess I can do that, it's just a pain and seems extremely ine...
She has been late every year because she doesn't get her tax allocations until months after the extension filing was due so we have been throught this every yea...
It's very small - $13. The tax due is $98 and late payment is $98 for a combined total of $196 so with the interest/Penalties it would be $209. If I choose to n...