Art Leonard
Level 3
Activity Feed
  • Sometimes a client asks to make a late estimated tax payment. For example, a client forgot to make her 1/15/24 fed estimate. She tells me this in April 2024. It...
    Art Leonard
    Apr 15, 2024
  • I'm trying to efile a 7004 for an S corp. It was rejected, but the diagnostics commingle the tax return problems with the extension problems. For example, the s...
    Art Leonard
    Mar 18, 2024
  • I'm preparing a 2022 Louisiana non-resident indiv. You came up with an amount on Form 540B-2D line 12. I can't understand how you got the amount. A printed expl...
    Art Leonard
    Feb 05, 2024
  • It would be helpful if I could prepare CA form 914 on Lacerte.
    Art Leonard
    Jan 17, 2024
  • E-file Post Transmission Summary Report should include the year.
    Art Leonard
    Dec 01, 2023
Community Stats
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Member Since ‎06-24-2020
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