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I'm not formally expecting to see it on the return anywhere, but when I entered the 1099-Q info with Gross, Earnings and Basis and the program automatically tax...
Thanks, but there is NO Form 1099-R from the MD529 Plan. They received a Form 1099-Q referencing the $7,000 trustee-to-trustee transfer only.I found that this i...
Client rolled over $7,000 to a Roth from his MD 529 Plan. There were earning and basis as part of the distribution. The earnings should not be taxed or subject ...
Called Proseries and it appears to be a bug in the program. They're researching.
Thanks Rick and TaxGuyBill. Both of you offer valid info, but I'm still not sure it's working correctly. The business use was 100% in all years. The idea of hav...