Level 1
Activity Feed
  • Please fix this. It is a waste of time and increases likelihood of error to make three identical entries for every month of the year. The check box to repeat th...
    Mar 14, 2024
  • My specific issue has to do with Proseries broken functionality of efiling KCMO RD-109. The efiling broke toward the end of the season without notice from Prose...
    May 19, 2022
  • I usually have at least two years of Proseries open at once. Sometimes several more yearts. If I go away from my computer for any period of time, they all log o...
    Nov 15, 2021
  • When logged out of Proseries due to inactivity you must log in again in order to minize the Proseries screen. The Log in Screen cannot be minimized. This is ann...
    Nov 15, 2021
  • Yes, MO-1040 and line 6 is just a simple math total or, for single, the same number as line 5 if calculations are correct.
    Sep 23, 2021
Community Stats
Posts 6
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Cheers Given 5
Cheers Received 13
Member Since ‎02-15-2020
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