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My, name is LaKendra Galtney and I’m a black own business woman of minority. I am originally from MS but resides in Baton Rouge, LA. I’m a certified tax preparer, and I received my certification from platinum tax service through the irs. I not only have a income tax service business but I also have a beauty and nail shop that I owns. I started my business own my own funding it out of my pocket building it from the ground up on my own. I learned how to prepare taxes on my own practicing doin my own taxes learning by reading different booklets and pamphlets, then I proceeded to learn more and became certified to prepare taxes professionally and got my certification to do not only my taxes I now own my own income tax service business to prepare other individual tax returns as well.
  • ProConnect Tax
    Experience: 1 years
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Member Since ‎06-26-2023
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