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State SH Basis Worksheet

Level 1

My firm recently switched to Lacerte so we are in the process of transferring prior year info into the system. I am working on a client that has a different SH basis for Federal and State. I am preparing their 2021 return in Lacerte I can find where to enter the beginning basis for Federal, but I cannot figure out where to enter this for state and do not see a government form. Does anyone know where this needs to be entered in the software?

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3 Comments 3
Level 3

State shareholder basis is in the same screen as federal, input screen 9.  If you don't see is then it's probably because you haven't added a state yet in screen 1, client information.

Level 1

I have added the state (KY) in Screen 1 Client Info. When I am in Screen 9 for SH Basis there is only a column for Federal, nothing for State or AMT

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Level 3

Do you have unlimited state for your software or do you have to obtain REP for states?  If you have unlimited I am at a loss as to why it's not showing up.  If you have to get REP access for the state it may not show up until you pay for the state for that client.

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