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Form 1041 K-1 and MA Schedule B/R questions

Level 4

I am working on duplicating a Form 1041 Estate Complex Trust Return, and I have two questions:

The Trust has not distributed any income to any of the 3 beneficiaries (all income is accumulated in the Trust):

1.  Are Schedule K-1 forms showing zero numbers required to be generated with the Federal form 1041?

2. Form 2 (MA state), is Schedule B/R showing percentages of the 3 beneficiaries required if there is no distributions?  I cannot get the software to generate these forms unless there are distributions.  However, the return I am studying includes Schedule B/R with no income distributions and 3 schedule 2K-1 (with no income distributions), just showing names and tax id of all beneficiaries.

Thank you!


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2 Comments 2
Level 15

Are you duplicating the return in the same software with which it was prepared? 

What software are you using?

Q1 - No. But you can issue zero dollar K-1s.

I don't know about Mass.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 4

I am using Intuit ProConnect for Business to try to duplicate a Trust Return that has been filed, to see if I can come up with the same tax numbers and Forms.  (ProConnect is much less expensive than Proseries Business/but ProConnect clearly is horrible to use).

I don't think MA Form 2, Schedule B/R and Schedule K2-1 are required when there are no income distributions.  I cannot even get the Schedule B/R (beneficiary/remainderman)  page to come up unless I enter the % for the beneficiaries, and this will reflect as income distributed to the beneficiaries.  If I enter zero %, then Schedule B/R will not be included.

On the return I am studying, it included Federal K-1 (zeros), MA Schedule B/R, zero income but with % designated with beneficiaries names, and three Sched K2-1 with all zeros.

Thank you!



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