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Error F8962-322

Level 3

I have a tax return rejected with the error F8962-322. All information was entered correctly on the 1095A work sheet. The taxpayer had coverage in Jan and canceled in Feb. There are dollar amount entered on line 21 for Jan in columns A,B and C. On line 22 columns A and B the amount is 0.00 (as it is on the 1095A provided to he taxpayer) and column C has a dollar amount for the credit received that month. All other month have no amount in any of the columns. Below is the error message I receive. I have had similar 1095A accepted this year. Is this a new software problem?

Each 'MonthlyContributionAmt' on Form 8962, Lines 12C through 23C that has a non-zero value must be equal to the amount computed using the Form 8962 instructions.

Error Resolution:

Review the amounts that appear on Form 8962, Part 2, Premium Tax Credit Claim and Reconciliation of Advance Payment of Premium Tax Credit. These values are calculated based on information entered on Form 1095-A. Review Form 1095-A entries to ensure that Health Insurance Marketplace information has been correctly entered.

Note: Negative values are not allowed in columns A through F.




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3 Comments 3
Level 15

If they had insurance in February, I would enter the proper SLCSP amount.  If it was cancelled in January, I would enter 0.01 for the SLCSP (and possible for column A as well).

Level 3

Thank you for responding. She said she had insurance in Feb. I entered what should be the correct SLCSP in column B, leaving 0.00 in column A. The return was rejected with those changes. I try putting what should be the correct amount in column A along with changes to column B but the changes the refund. I am reluctant to make that change. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

Personally, I think column A needs the amount on there and the 1095-A is wrong if it shows zero.  If they had insurance and were paid Advance credit, there should be a credit for that month.

If you and/or the client are uncomfortable with that, then as I mentioned in the last post, try 0.01.

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