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990-T, Form 3800, Form 3468, Energy Investment credit under 48

Vincent zhang
Level 1

I am filing 2023 tax return for a Nonprofit Org. to get an investment credit and am being stuck here in Proconnect. I file 990-EZ first with Form 3800 and Form 3468 attached. It was accepted by the irs but then I found out I have to file 990-T to apply for the credit. So, I filled out the 990-T and also attached Form 3800 and Form 3468. I e-filed 990-T but the return was rejected. The reason for the rejection:

"Error message: If any 'GeneralBusCrFromNnPssvActyAmt' or 'PassiveActivityCrBeforeLmtAmt' from 'Frm3468PartVICYAggrgtAmtGrp' has a non-zero value and the corresponding column (c) 'PassThroughEntityEIN' does not have a value, then Form 3468 must be present in the return.
Solution: Form 3800: Current year general business credit from form 3486 credits from non-passive activities (column e) has a value but the pass-through or transfer credit entity EIN (column d) is missing. If there is no EIN then form 3486 must be in the return. Since the program currently does not support the actual credit forms when required from Form 3800 the return cannot be e-filed. PDF Attachment of the credit form will not meet the filing requirement. Please enter a Pass-Through EIN and e-file the Form 3800. Review inputs make changes and resubmit electronically."
I cannot fill up the EIN because that doesn't work for my situation. I cannot e-file Form 3468 because the Form is not ready under Proconnect. Even I checked the IRS instructions stating Form 3468 must be attached as a PDF. But why I was rejected even I did attach the Form. 
I can't paper file as well, because 990-T must be electronically filed. I don't know what I should do. Please help.
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