Update August 26th:
The update that allows you to prepare and e-file 1040X returns was released on August 26th 2020. See How do I amend an Individual return using ProSeries for step by step instructions.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Original Message~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The ability to e-file your Individual form 1040X will be available from the IRS soon. We expect this functionality to be available in ProSeries around August 26th. As this date is tentative, it is subject to change. We will issue another in-product alert when this release is available.
With this change, there will be a number of specific conditions to be met in order to file electronically.
Please review the following FAQs provided in preparation:
- Once Individual e-file is available, will I be able to e-file prior year as well?
Individual Form 1040X Amended e-file will only be available for 2019 returns and beyond. All prior years will need to be paper-filed.
- Will I be able to e-file the Amended 2019 returns indefinitely?
Individual Amended 2019 returns can be e-filed through the November cutoff date and will begin again once e-file opens for Tax Year 2020.
- Can all Individual Amended filing types be e-filed?
Only an e-filed Form 1040 can be amended. An original return that was paper filed cannot have an e-filed amended return. The original return must have been e-file through your ProSeries software.
- Will the ability to add direct deposit of refund be included with the return?
Direct debit in order to pay an amount due will be available, while direct deposit of refund will not be available. Refunds will be mailed in the form of a check.
- Will I be able to e-file an Amended return in order to report a change in filing status?
Returns that are amended due to a filing status change, must be paper-filed. The filing status of the Amended return, must match the filing status of the originally filed return. These returns must be paper-filed.
- What if I need to make a change to the Taxpayer's (or Spouse's) TIN/SSN?
The Taxpayer's (and Spouse's) TIN/SSN must match that of the original filing when e-filing. These returns must be paper-filed.
- The dependent was claimed on another filers' return. I'm Amending to show that they should have been claimed on this return. Can this Amended return be e-filed?
These returns must be paper-filed. Dependent claimed on someone else's return cannot be claimed on an e-filed Amended return.
- I need to amend an already amended return, can this be e-filed?
You may submit up to 3 amended returns for the same return.