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Support form NC-429B PTE

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Support form NC-429B PTE


This is not an idea but an absolute necessity. Every tax preparer in North Carolina needs this form. The form is NC-429B PTE. It is to calculate underpayment of estimated tax penalty for NC PTEs. This is not a niche form or an uncommonly used tax form. It is applicable to probably half or more S-Corps and Partnerships in NC. It is an extreme disservice to your customers to not support this form. It takes approximately 15 minutes to calculate this by hand. If you do 300 returns with this form, that costs 75 hours of work - almost two standard work weeks (probably one tax season week) calculating something by hand that there already exists a format for in the Federal form 2210, the NC-429B, and other similar calculations for other states. Support the form, please. We don't have the option to bill back Inuit for the time we will waste calculating this by hand.

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