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pdf baloney

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pdf baloney


For years now the same problem remains unfixed.  When you go to the print function within a return and you want to send client a draft or a single form, etc., there is a form letter titled E-Mail Preview which describes the password to open, using Rio De Janeiro as an example (WHY?  How about Sault Ste. Marie or Saint Louis--wouldn't that be more authentic, or pertinent as an example?).

Anyway, if you go in, as I do, to customize the language, when you click on "E-Mail" the software asks you if you want to "save changes for all clients?"  Well, of course I do.  But, in the next day or hour or next return, it defaults back to the original format...WHY??? You asked ME if I wanted to save it for all--then why don't you save it for all???

It is just infuriating...just change it, please, while I am still semi-sane...

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