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Partnership & Trust returns printing to SmartVault

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Partnership & Trust returns printing to SmartVault


Should be able to print to SmartVault from all tax programs.  Partnerships & Trusts most often do not work giving errors.  Solution is to print to PDF, navigate to ProPDF, choose the file & save it to SmartVault.  Many unneccessary steps.

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Level 11
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If you go into the Print center/Printer,PDF, & DMS setup, you can change the path from ProPDF to wherever you'd like. 

Level 2

Yes, my ProSeries is already connected to Smart Vault.  However, printing to SmartVault does not work from Partnerships & Trusts.  We get errors & then have to do the extra "save to PDF.... All other tax returns print just fine.  Have discussed this with Tech Support.

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