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ERO Signature on Tax Returns

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ERO Signature on Tax Returns


I first want to thank you for the 2024 ProSeries enhancement of the ERO signature on the 8879, that is incredibly helpful.

My idea is; if the ERO signature is able to populate on the 8879, can it also populate on the 1040, 1041, 1065, 1120, 1120S tax returns?  This would be helpful when printing a Pdf of the tax return for our client, as it would make it a signed return without having to go through the Pdf of the tax return and remove the unsigned page then insert the signed page before making it available to our clients.

I appreciate your time and consideration to this question and look forward to hearing from you.

Holiday Blessings,

Hazel Lehman

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Level 13

The ERO doesn't sign tax returns, only 8879s.

The Preparer signs tax returns.

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