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Competent Support/Software that Works

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Competent Support/Software that Works


How about going back to the good ole days and providing us with Competent Support and a direct contact method of informing ProSeries of problems with the software we pay for!

Like the following:

1) Updating the Client Status column in EF Homebase with the status selected on the Client Status Worksheet!

2) Like including the City of Warren on the Ohio RITA tax return so that it can actually be completed!

3) Like providing a MFS MFJ Comparison worksheet that correctly calculates the Recovery Rebate Credits when the stimulus payments received where less than the full amounts.

WE PAY FOR THIS?????Homebase.jpgRITA.jpgMFS MFJ.jpgMFS MFJ After Update.jpg  

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Level 15

The good ole days?  Like, before the Covid-19 pandemic?  The world has changed, permanently.  How about comparing what Intuit has done this last year, with its 24-hour, round-the-world programmers, to what other software companies have done?  I think many of us will be shopping after tax season, but I am not interested in comparing 2021 apples to 2020 oranges.  


I see.  Every program error this year is due to COVID.  Got it.  Makes me feel a little better about the nearly $7000 spent on a program that has deplorable customer support and issues like those pointed out by the original poster, not to mention a program which can't compute the kiddie tax, deductible home mortgage interest, etc. etc.  Makes me wonder what these amazing 24 hour programmers are working on.

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