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Client billing errors in latest update

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Client billing errors in latest update

Drew Cribley

I'm noticing errors in the client billing in the latest Proseries software update.  The program is adding and billing for forms in the Charges Per Form section that aren't included in the return and omitting others that are.  Can someone fix this?  It makes the billing feature unusable.

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I have been having the same problem. 

They must have added a form but not a line for amounts

Level 2

Has anyone had issues with Proseries not tracking client hours properly

Level 1

We are experiencing this problem as well -- invoice shows billing for forms that are not in the return at all.  I'd love to see a response to this question from the engineers/designers.

Level 2

Has this problem been resolved or does anyone have a work around for this other than changing every client individually .  I like when the billing transferred correctly for individual forms and matched the year before. I am doing way too much work and this year it doesn't even make sense. I tried to enter all forms again in global billing options and it is not keeping the new and correct amounts. Any help appreciated 

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