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Alert Me Before Authorizing a Return in Basic

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Alert Me Before Authorizing a Return in Basic


Before automatically authorizing a return (upon printing, efiling, whatever), how about a pop-up box that gives us the chance to either not authorize or confirm the authorization?  I have had instances when I inadvertently tap the right-click on the mouse and it selects "Print Form".  Then it automatically authorizes the return.  (And automatically gives me a useless printout of the input screen without the courtesy of a dialog box -- we all know the "Cancel" button is useless...)  There are legit reasons that I might not want to automatically authorize all returns.   (Maybe that is a return that I set up to do some dummy calculations?  Maybe that client will decide they don't want me to prep their return?)
When I start getting close to the 50 return limit, the software gives me a warning pop up before authorization, so I know this is possible.  I just want the ability to set up that warning before every authorization.  Your customer service didn't have a solution for this when I called, so I am guessing there is not a setting I can tweak from the current options. But that would really be nice to have...because every return that is authorized costs me $$$, so I can't spare any!
Thank you!

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Level 2

When you try to E-File  a return not yet authorized, it warns you first and you can cancel.

When you try to print a return from the main menu (NOT when inside the client) a return not yet authorized, it warns you first and you can cancel.

BUT when you are inside a return and hit print it automatically authorizes the return, no way to stop it.

It should warn you even when you are inside a return.  The mechanism is already there, but not being used when inside the return.

The behavior inside the return needs to be fixed to warn us just like when outside of the return or trying to efile.

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