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Add Quick Zoom button on 1098 Mortgage form to create a new 1098

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Add Quick Zoom button on 1098 Mortgage form to create a new 1098


Instead of having to go to Forms each time you need to add a 1098 Mortgage form, add a Quick Zoom button at the top right of the 1098 form (for example, like there are for W2s, 1099Rs or Schedule E). This would save time and be consistent with other Pro Series forms.

<p>Thanks for the idea.  We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it has been around for over 30 days and no longer considered "New".  If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our <a href="https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/community-basics/discussion/idea-exchange-getting-started-gu..." target="_blank" rel="noopener">Idea Getting Started Guide</a> for more information. </p>

Status: Open for voting
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Level 15

@rsedoris   when in the 1098 worksheet  do Ctrl+F6 then Alt+C  let's you add without going back to Forms

Level 15

I've never entered a 1098 into ProSeries.  What is the purpose of that, rather than just entering it on Schedule A?

Level 2

I enter the information about the mortgage on both the 1098 form and the deductible mortgage interest worksheet.  Both flow to Schedule A.  On the 1098 you can also add in information like Mortgage Premiums and Property taxes both of which flow to the correct places on Schedule A.  The deductible mortgage interest worksheet calculates how much of the mortgage interest is deductible based on loan amount and origination date.

Level 15

Ah, I didn't think about the $750,000/$1,000,000 limitations (I don't have any clients that would apply to).  That would makes sense.

Level 2

I started entering the 1098 form a few years ago.  It is also a good place marker for the next year so that I know what mortgages the client had so that I can ask them for the 1098 form in the following year.

Status changed to: Open for voting

<p>Thanks for the idea.  We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it has been around for over 30 days and no longer considered "New".  If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our <a href="https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/community-basics/discussion/idea-exchange-getting-started-gu..." target="_blank" rel="noopener">Idea Getting Started Guide</a> for more information. </p>

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