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We may have to require life support for those with 8915

Level 4
9 Comments 9
Level 15

Or enroll them in anger management classes

Level 15

I do not know what the big deal is over that form. I would think most have few if any clients that have this.

Level 11

You got to be kidding me with that answer. There are a great many people including me who have several clients that desparately need that form.

Level 8

I have only one client affected by this and will file an extension.

I Won't loose sleep over it.


Level 15

I almost burnt out my adding machine adding up how many affected clients I have.  I came up with a grand total of zero.  All of mine had adequate withholding to cover the tax in 2020 so why cause potential misery for the following two years?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

@IRonMaN same here...the goose egg. 🦢0

Level 15

Or life coping skills education for those who think a hare-brained idea from Congress is always a good deal.  I don't have any clients needing this form either, although my practice trends geriatric these days and they were more likely to accept the "no RMD" benefit.  That was the whole point, wasn't it?  "Tax collections are going to suffer if people don't take RMD's, so let's dangle a carrot to see if we can entice early distributions from some of the short-sighted."

Level 15

One also.   Kind of feel let out from all the hype waiting on the 8915-F...... jk

Level 9

Another zero clients affected.



And another Former All Star