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unable to view pop up document

Level 1

I was trying to open "EF Status" or Submission ID" to view the detail on the EF. however the preview file generated but not able to see. Its hided in the window. anyone have this experience and how can i solve it?


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3 Comments 3
Level 15
Level 15

This happens to the HELP window for me, no clue how to make it pop-up in front, its always behind the program screen, and I have to go down to the Windows taskbar and hover over the PS icon, then click on the Help window that appears...frustrating!

0 Cheers
Level 1

Thank you Lisa for your sharing, but I tried to go to the PS icon and click the window, nothing showes up, now i cannot see why the return is rejected.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

So you highlight the rejected return in the EFcenter, and hit F12, and in that Reports window when you choose Rejected Returns, and click Print, nothing happens?
