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Tuition & Educational Credit, Form 8863

Level 1

Taxpayer is single in prior tax returns has received the tuition credit that zeroed out 2021 tax liability. The credit was $ 1,640

Taxpayer earned about 30K in salary for 2021.

For 2022 Taxpayer earned about $70K in salary for 2022.  She paid Tuition of about $ 11,500.

The Intuit program for 2022 does not allow her any Tuition Credit.  

I believe the taxpayer should receive the $ 2,000 non-refundable credit against her tax Liability for the tax year 2022.





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3 Comments 3
Level 15

Work through the form manually and see what the correct answer is.

Level 15

Which Intuit program would that be?  TurboTax?

Level 15

Does the "Education Cost" worksheet show the amount of qualified expenses?

On the "Student Info" sheet, does Part 3 show it qualifies for the Lifetime Learning Credit?  If not, what does it show as not qualifying?

On Form 1040, does line 18 show enough tax for the credit to be used?  Is the credit on line 19 completely offsetting the tax on line 18?