My new client works in 3 states, MA,NY and CT.
He is filing MFJ
His company issues 3 w-2's all with the same total income for each state (each state has his total federal income as the state income.
He was only a resident of MA and not a resident of NY or CT.
He just travelld
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Will Proseries Basic let me do this or will I get an error for reuse of a SS number?
I would only include the appropriate w-2 income in the two states where he was a non resident. Correct?
Thank you
"I would only include the appropriate w-2 income in the two states where he was a non resident. Correct?"
No, that's not correct. The point is, many of these States want to report all earnings, and then they give credit back for taxes paid on the earnings to other States. Some States only want you to report the earnings in that State. The Payroll reporting on the W2 likely is fine. You don't try to add them together as if that is supposed to equal the Feds; each State wants things reported their own way.
And there is some research to do. Being a NY resident will not exempt earnings from being taxable when traveling, because a lot of the States are using Sourced Income. That's why someone found it necessary to separately track and report your client's W2 by State amounts. The phrase "Source income" can relate to the employee being in that State while working, even if they don't live there; or, the company they work for has a presence in that State. Or, the work your client did was on behalf of a client of his/hers in those States.
Someone broke it out and reported it for you. You use that info.
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