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S Corp Sold mid-year

Level 2

I have an S-Corp that sold mid year 2024 and I need to file a partial year tax return.  I already filed the 2023 tax return in the software.  2024 software isn't available.  Has anyone figured out how to file using the the data from the 2023 tax return and be able to e-file that return.  I have Pro Series.  

Basically I want to do 2 returns in the 2023 software for the same client.  Any help?


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Level 12

You can create a 2nd 2023 P.S. tax file for the part-year return.  You cannot e-file this return since you have to manually alter the form to change the 2023 "logo" to 2024.

In https://www.irs.gov/draft-tax-forms you will find DRAFT 2024 tax forms but they all say not for filing, so you're stuck with altering the 2023 form and mailing it in.

Level 15

Have you considered filing an extension? Manually.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 7

Can you not simply copy over the file into a new one and enter the short year dates?

As to the EIN issue, you may need to ask Intuit.  Don't know if that duplicate filing issue applies to entities as it does to individuals.

Slava Ukraini!

Level 2

Thank you for that.  Sometimes the easiest answer just won't come.  I was able to save it as a new file and I will be able to at least get the data without a bunch of re-entry.

Level 15

Don't forget you have to manually compute & force the current year depreciation/amortization.  I've had to do this once or twice and it's a pain. It's so easy to miss something.  Charge accordingly.

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