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Wisconsin Nonresident Tax Question

Level 11

Client received K-1 for 34 states (28 were large enough to file).  Wisconsin ProSeries allows for direct input of exact amounts (interest, dividends, capital gains, business, etc.) and calculates tax based on Wisconsin "only" income.  WI Dept of Revenue just sent a notice increasing the taxable income by more than 200% as a % of WI income to Fed income.  But ProSeries allows for direct input of exact WI amounts.  Any responses?

0 Cheers
4 Comments 4
Level 15

You'll need to compare the Wisconsin notice to the return you submitted and see what is correct.

Most nonresident states go with the instate income as a % of federal to compute tax.

Just because the software let you do something does not mean it's right.


The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 11

I assumed my $8,000 software would know more than me and would handle it correctly.  I'm not the first preparer to file nonresident taxes in that state.

And yes, I understand the word "assume" and Intuit should not be uttered in the same conversation.

Level 15

I usually prepare a couple of nonresident WI returns every year without any problems ------------- but I always send a block of cheese along with the returns and the cheeseheads at the Wisconsin Department of Revenue always seem to be happy with the returns.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

That many states and the Tax wasn't paid on the Entity level? 

Time to give them a call for clarification of the notice, Wisconsin Dept of Revenue do make mistakes.