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So Intuit AI appears to be really artificial

Level 15

Just sharing a fun little encounter with Intuit's AI on the Quickbooks side of things.  Had an issue with Quickbooks this morning and needed to contact support.  Called the support number and the phone was answered by Annie AI.  Annie was quite pleasant but her hearing kinda sucked.  Annie was going to e-mail some important help (which I know most likely wouldn't solve the issue, but what the heck), so she asked for an e-mail address to send it to.  On Annie's first try, she got about half of the e-mail address right - which of course means the other half was wrong.  On the second try, IronWoman sounded like she was talking to a 99 year old nursing home patient - talking very loud and very slow.  Annie did better, but still no luck.  But Annie evidently got nervous and switched the call over to a human.  So, the moral of the story is, if you want to talk to a human at Intuit, say a bunch garbled things and keep telling Annie that she is stupid so that you can be transferred to a human.

Slava Ukraini!
8 Comments 8
Level 15

Thanks for the information Iron Man. Wouldn't it be great if the politicians passed a law that any company with U.S. operations or that sells goods or services in the United States, cannot use artificial intelligence for telephone support, customer support, technical support, Etc?

Level 15

But that is asking a lot.  You don't hear the words politician and intelligence together in the same sentence very often. 😬

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

That's the problem with you liberals, you think government regulation is the answer to everything.  

Level 15

It's a shame RFK Jr stepped aside.  I'm sure with his experience with bears, whales and worms, he would have been a natural to take up this cause.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

But wait; There's More!

How did the human do?

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 15

He was clueless.  When the dust all settled we got the problem corrected on our own.  At least Annie could be understood.  Support had a bit of a language barrier to clear and he isn't quite ready for the 2028 barrier jumping Olympics yet.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

They loved the Kennedys and RFK Jr for years. Now that he's not playing their ballgame anymore, now he is no good.

Level 15

He is not playing anybody's ballgame right now.  He is out in left field of a completely different baseball field all by himself.

Slava Ukraini!