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Level 11


TP received his refund calculated on the reported income from the e-filed W-2. The IRS ignored the attached, manually filed out form 4852 and the attached last paystub to verify the income form 4852 info. also my preparer note must have been ignored. I will amend the return on paper with the 4852 enclosed and the back up documents.

@IRonMaN   I should not have used the sharp pointy gown up scissors as you suggested!

Below is my original post. 

PS Basic does not provide form 4852 Substitute form W2. I downloaded the form from the IRS website and filled it in and attached it as a PDF to the tax return along with the final pay stud and letter 62C from the IRS. In the preparer notes that are supposedly transmitted with the return, I mentioned that wages, taxable income and EIC will have to be recalculated by the IRS with the information provided in the PDF attachments. I will be sure to let all the fine folks on this forum know about my Running With Scissors moment.

The TP was in agreement concerning the extra time that may be involved, but probably quicker than paper filing.

It felt like the old days when you could write an explanation in the margins of a paper filed return.

2 Comments 2
Level 15

When doesn't the IRS ignore the extra stuff?  Every time I do a 7203 or 1116 sched B attachment, I ask myself why am I am even wasting my time doing this.  Is anybody at the IRS really going to pay attention to those little attachments.  I'm tempted to attach a pdf called 7203 and instead of the form just attaching a pdf that says nothing but "drink your Ovaltine" just to see if anyone ever notices.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

@IRonMaN wrote:

'm tempted to attach a pdf called 7203 and instead of the form just attaching a pdf that says nothing but "drink your Ovaltine" just to see if anyone ever notices.


It would be better to attach a recipe for lutefisk.  😂