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Recovery rebate form not available in billing rates

Since it takes time to discuss and retrieve the the stimulus information from the client and enter it into the recovery rebate form, I'm charging a small fee for this form. But this form is not in the billing rates section to enter the rate charged. Does anyone know if and when it will be? Also... There is an economic impact payment form in the billing rates section, but there is no such form in any forms section of the return. Are these 2 possibly the same, and should be merged? 

0 Cheers

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3 Comments 3
Level 15

I'm not sure about your actual questions, but perhaps you don't need that?

Other than people who qualify as a dependent, pretty much everybody will need that form (and you will probably need to discuss the situation with those who don't need it), right?  With that being the case, just adding an additional cost to the 1040 would accomplish that same thing.

Level 15

Yes "EIP" and "stimulus" are the same thing.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 8

If you scroll to the bottom of the Forms list in the Global Billing you can input your own item.

"Recovery Rebate Credit Worksheet" and assign a $ rate to it.  It will then show up on all client billing forms listings.